I bought a thick piece of foam board as the base, and two round Styrofoam wreaths. It cost me around $14 for the supplies. I sawed the wreaths in half, and hot glued them very well to the board.
The umbrella and picture was just an added backdrop since the baby's name is Rainey... :). Then came the interesting part... stabbing a few hundred tooth picks all over the rainbow. It looked kind of scary at this point.......
I had to play with the fruit some and go back and add toothpicks to fill in gaps or empty spaces. But really the bulk of the work was just putting the toothpicks in.
The fluffy white stuff was just cotton, I used it to look like clouds. White cotton candy would have been awesome too.. but it was non seasonal and unavailable when I made this. So non-edible cotton it was. The goal here, was to hide a bowl of fluffy white fruit dip in the middle of the tray to appear like you were eating clouds. I put a cauldron at the other end to hold pineapple... pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.. get it.. get it... lol :)
I used grapes, honey dew, cantaloupe, and strawberries. Pine apple in the bowl at the end.The extra fruit I mixed together and laid underneath the rainbow as a rainbow fruit salad of sorts. I set a pair of tongs on top of the rainbow, and the guest easily picked their fruit right off of it. Plus, it was sturdy and transported well too I thought. The end product was super cute, and delicious too!!